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Remote Working Solutions

Remote Working is the new normal now and to cope up with this change we have introduced our remote working solutions. This solution provides you skilled professionals with the right setup option so they can work securely while remote. The Setup involves secure virtual workspaces to ensure your applications and data are protected at all times, we make the setup simple and stress-free for you. This solution also enables you to access bigger talent pool as you can hire from anywhere around the world. Looking for remote staff hiring? We can help! Whether the person is down the street or halfway across the globe, we can find and engage the right talent at the right time.

Benifits of our Remote Working Solutions

Right Setup

We offer the support and equipments to enable efficient remote work, including secure laptops and portable WiFi devices if needed for candidates and virtual workspaces

Global Talent

Get to hire the bet remote staff in your domain across the globe and build a truly diverse team of professionals ready to deployed from anywhere at the right time

Quick & Efficient

Our AI Mapping system helps us to find the right candidate for your role and engage the resource. Our remote staff hiring process is as quick as our services hiring process

Online Administration

our Online administration module helps you track your remote worker's On-boarding process, attendance, timesheets, workflows, payroll etc seamlessly

24/7 Support

We provide support to your outsourced remote workers during working hours through our expert consulting team and during non-working hours through chatbots

Flexible Scaling

Remote Working solution gives you the flexibity of scaling your staff requirements upwards or downwards as per your organisations current requirements

Jobskey's Remote Working Solutions

We can help you hire the right remote staff across the globe.

Let us help you with the hiring process and get the remote staff you need, Now!

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